Uniform helps our students to feel a part of our community and ensures there is no discrimination between pupils. It sets a standard of expectations for work and behaviour and we are grateful for your support in upholding our high standards of dress code.
Purchasing School Uniform
St Mary’s College school uniform is supplied by Steady Schoolwear from their new city-centre central store in Hull:
Steady Schoolwear
16 Savile Street, HULL. HU1 3RJ
Tel: 01482 322982
Email: sales@steadyschoolwear.co.uk
Normal Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 9.15am to 4.30pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm
Closed Bank Holidays
Order online at:
Steady Schoolwear is able to provide our families with:
- Competitive pricing due to large scale ordering ability
- Excellent quality of St Mary’s College uniform product
- A supply of standard items of school wear that do not require branding
- Changing rooms for your child to try on uniform
- Shop floor allowing parents/carers to browse uniform items and purchase on the day (including during school holidays)
- Close to central car parks and accessible via most bus routes into the city centre

These items have been kept simple so that the basics can be bought anywhere
SHOES | Sensible, all black, full shoe, low-heeled (NO TRAINERS or BOOTS) |
SOCKS | White, black or grey |
TIGHTS | Neutral, black or grey |
BAG | Suitable strong bag for carrying books, PE Kit, equipment etc |
HATS | These may be worn in winter to school but may not be worn around the site |
POLO SHIRTS | St Mary’s College Sky Blue Polo Shirt |
OUTDOOR COATS (Compulsory) – Select one or more | St Mary's College Sports Fleece, St Mary's College Sports Rain Jacket, St Mary's Reversible Cold Weather Coat, St Mary's Padded Jacket . NB: sweatshirts, denim jackets, leather jackets and hooded pullover tracksuit tops may not be used as outdoor coats |
TROUSERS | Girls & boys trousers should be mid grey in colour and not made of jersey material. |
SKIRTS | The new, popular kilt-style skirt is compulsory for all years from September 2024 onwards. Skirts that are too long or too short are not allowed. The acceptable length ranges from just above the knee to just below the knee. Skirts made of jersey material are not acceptable. |
KNITWEAR (Optional) – If students choose to wear these items then these items must be ordered from the school uniform shop | St Mary's College V-Necked Navy Jumper, St Mary's College Navy Cardigan, St Mary's College Fleece Scarf |
GIRLS PE KIT PACKAGE (Compulsory) | St Mary's College Navy Haze Polo, St Mary's College Navy Cuatro Training Top, St Mary's College Navy Shorts, St Mary's College Navy Socks |
BOYS PE KIT PACKAGE (Compulsory) | St Mary's College Navy Vapour Polo, St Mary's College Navy Pro-Tec Rugby Shirt, St Mary's College Navy Shorts, St Mary's College Navy Socks |
OTHER PE ITEMS AVAILABLE (Optional*) | St Mary's Unisex Track Pants |
Guidance on Compulsory footwear for both boys and girls | Please ensure students have athletic trainers/sports shoes that provide an adequate amount of support, grip and comfort during PE activities (flat soled plimsolls are not allowed). An Astro-turf/4G pitch specific style of trainer would be the recommended purchase due to its versatility, but not essential |
Other Information
Expensive or fashionable items of clothing and personal effects should not be brought to school as the school cannot take any responsibility for valuables.
All pupils will be involved in outdoor PE lessons during the winter months and therefore should your child require additional items of clothing to that of the compulsory PE KIT in order to keep warm and dry, only the following items will be permitted:
- St Mary's Training Track Pants
- Navy/Black under garments/thermal vests/t-shirts
- Plain black/navy gloves
- Plain black/navy woollen hat (no baseball-style caps)
- A watch may be worn (except in PE). Students are not permitted to wear 'smart watches' to school, which includes Apple watches or fitness trackers which can connect to the internet to receive messages and calls
- No other jewellery (including sleepers/studs/facial piercings) is permitted
- Uniform demands that hairstyles be neat and tidy – not extreme in style or colour
- Make-up is not allowed
Uniform Recycling
If you have items of secondhand school uniform which are still in good condition and could benefit a younger student, we strongly encourage you to donate these to the RE:Uniform community group who redistribute these to families on behalf of our school who can make use of them.
Visit their Facebook page: click here
Or you can take the items to one of their drop-off bins inside these stores:
- Sainsbury's: Hessle
- Morrisons: Anlaby & Holderness Road
- Tesco: Hall Road
- Co-Op: Cottingham
- Trinity Methodist Church, Newland Avenue
Need an item of school uniform?
RE:Uniform also offer free, good quality items of uniform to anyone who requests (subject to availability), they currently have lots of SMC items in stock.
You can request items by emailing: Reuniform.trinity@gmail.com
Please note:
- Requests will be filed and delivered to your doorstep.
- Don't worry if you don't hear from them for a few weeks...everything is sorted and picked by unpaid volunteers most Tuesdays.
Lost Property
Lost Property is now located in the Chaplaincy office in P16, where it is open for students at break and lunchtime on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Any unnamed, unclaimed items will be sold at £1 an item.
Students are welcome to purchase this uniform, the amount to be paid will be put onto their Parentpay account.