St Mary’s works with Caterlink to provide a variety of wonderful catering choices at the college, knowing that good nutrition contributes to pupil performance.
We believe that mealtimes at school not only provide a nutritional offering but also an opportunity for socialising with friends and building a community spirit.
Meals are provided at SMC by Caterlink
Catering services opening times:
Breakfast 8am - 8.45am
Serving cereals, fruit, fresh toast and bacon sandwiches and a selection of drinks
Mid-morning break 10.15am – 10.30am
Serving daily hot snack specials including pizza pockets, bacon butties, cheese on toast buttered crumpets and sausage rolls alongside a selection of drinks, fruits and the option to purchase packed lunch bags
Lunch service 12.10pm – 1.30pm
With two service points in the dining hall and one in the Sports Academy, the choice of traditional main meals and dessert selections are on offer with an alternative hot and cold daily snack choices.
Traditional main meals include all the favourites and themed meal days. Menus are rotated on a three weekly basis
As an option, pupils also have a choice at the snack bars which offer a range of snacks from the ‘Grab & Go' and the 'Bowled Over' bars which include flatbreads and burgers, hot pasta pots & rice bowls which can all be accompanied by desserts & daily home bakes, chilled drinks and milks.
For those attending lunch time clubs and activities, freshly prepared sandwiches, baguettes, pizzas and paninis are available for students to collect and take away to clubs.
Allergen information is available on all products served but if there are any specific dietary requirements, the catering team are happy to accommodate these wherever possible.
SM6 Catering
The Sixth Form building has its own Café Pod open 8.45am – 3.30pm offering morning breakfast sandwiches and toasties, freshly prepared sandwiches, jacket potatoes, paninis and hot snacks, fruits and a selection of coffee, tea and hot chocolate throughout the day.
Cashless Payments
Pupils are issued with their own unique cashless cards which will need to be carried with them each day.
Parents and carers are able to electronically access information held on the cards to either credit the account in order that pupils can make purchases and/or to help monitor spend and food choices. Alternatively, pupils can load credit onto cards at the cash loader located in the dining hall. The loader accepts most coin and note denominations. There is a £5 daily spend limit placed upon each card.
Main Menus (3-week rotation)
Morning Break Menus