'Just Reading' Approach
‘Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary’
As of 2024/25, St Mary’s College are thrilled to be introducing an afternoon tutor time reading session for all students in Years 7-11.
Reading is the most significant factor in supporting student outcomes so, as we continue to strive for excellence, we have decided to introduce an opportunity for all KS3 and KS4 students to engage in a daily reading session. This addition to our curriculum is designed to not only accelerate student progress, but also help to develop our students’ character, as well as build their cultural capital, so that they can make a positive difference in the world.
All of the books have been carefully selected, ensuring the list is diverse in terms of representation and genre. We have had a working group of staff from across all subject areas who have collaborated to select texts which we feel are both appropriate for our students, but also highly engaging – lots of the books chosen are award winning and have been written by authors that excel in their field.

The full list of texts for each year group can be accessed via the links below.