Transport & Travel
Information about transport arrangements and active travel options to and from St Mary’s College. Find out if your child is entitled to help with school bus costs.
Free Bus Pass: if you are in receipt of Free School Meals or on low income you may be eligible for a free bus pass issued by Hull City Council. If you think are eligible you should contact Hull City Council, complete an application form and read the details about eligibility.
Bus Fares: please refer to the bus fares guide document below for current prices
If you have any queries about scholar transport or wish to request a place on the SMC1-6 services (East Riding area) please contact Mrs Craft or Miss Leighton at the college.
*Please note, fares quoted may be subject to change*

Pupils are expected to behave on the direct buses and the school has the right to remove any pupil from the bus whose behaviour endangers other passengers or is offensive in any way.
Bad language is not tolerated.
It is essential that parents instill and support good behaviour at all times.
Bus information for 2024-25
Active Travel
Active travel options are important for the whole of the SMC community as they lead to healthier lifestyles, reduced congestion and less environmental pollution.
Our active travel policy statement can be found here on the website.
We have produced some additional resources to help you think about healthier and cheaper ways to travel to school: