World Class Futures
Careers Information Advice Support and Guidance (CIASG) : Key information
Careers Department
- Miss J Simmons: Assistant Vice-Principal, Senior Link & Careers Lead
- Mr J Charlton: Post-16 Director of Careers & Progressions
- Mrs M Pearson: Careers Adviser
- Mrs L Bampton: LA Careers Advisor [SEND]

Information Advice & Guidance are central to the ethos of St Mary's College.
We aim to:
- support students in understanding themselves, their skills and their potential and thus recognise the learning path and career opportunities that will suit them.
- ensure that every student receives CIASG throughout their College life in advance of key decision-making milestones.
- ensure that every student leaves us ready for their next step in the world of work, training, further or higher education.
- provide a focused approach to careers education and employability that enables all students to develop the transferable skills to succeed in a competitive job market.
- engage parents, employers and other key stakeholders in ensuring that we have a collaborative approach in supporting our students in their developing good employability skills and traits.
The Careers programme:
Please see details of our careers programme and special careers events in the documents below.
If you are an employer and would like to get involved in supporting our careers programme then please email Vivian Connell
Our Careers Policy
To read a copy of our current Careers Policy please click here to visit our Policies page
Even before students commence their secondary schooling all Year 6, students take part in a programmed transition process to help them settle in more easily and aid transition from the Primary to the Secondary phase. This programme culminates in a week of various activities within St Mary’s in July before students join us in September.
Students who leave us to go on to Further or Higher Education, Employment or Training are guided onto the appropriate pathways and are invited to continue seek our guidance after they have left us.
Our CIASG strategy
Every member of staff in St Mary’s, whether teaching or non-teaching is fully committed and involved in CIASG delivery in some form at every stage of a student’s development. This could be as a personal tutor, a learning mentor, a teaching assistant, head of year or a subject teacher. Several staff have professional experience within the framework of IAG and are supported by an independent Careers Adviser, who is in College every day and is supported by an additional advisor assigned to us by the LA.
The College holds a Gold Standard Award for the excellent careers, guidance and support it offers its students.
Date of next strategy review: September 2024
One to one careers interviews
Every student in Year 10 and 11 is offered a 1-2-1 careers interview. Some students have more than one interview. Feedback is sought after each interview and a career plan is also sent home in the post.
Some students in Year 8 are offered a 1-2-1 interview if they need additional support in choosing their GCSE options.
Mrs Pearson is available at lunchtimes for ‘drop ins’, such sessions are often used to assist students in writing a CV and in preparing for work experience etc.
The College generously supports visits and trips. We engage with key stakeholders in supporting a range of experiential learning. We have a whole host of trips and visits across the subject spectrum from the Arts to Science and Mathematics [via STEM]. Activities of this sort enable learners to interact with different professions and widen their horizons. Every year 350+ pupils from Year 9 attend ACE day at the University of Hull.
We have a thriving Medical, Health & Social Care Academy where regular workshops are held with key providers. This ensures that external agencies can support and advise our students at different and critical points in their learning journey.
Several other departments also work with external providers in order to link their subject specialisms with the reality of the workplace.
Work Experience
Students in Year 10 go out into the world of work for a week in July. Students are encouraged and supported to find their own placements. Students attend a series of planned preparatory sessions in College prior to going out on placement. Each student is provided with a work experience diary and receives a visit from College staff whilst out on placement. Each placement is comprehensively Health & Safety checked to ensure that it is safe and appropriate. There is a similar provision for Years 12/13.
During the 2021 Covid-19 restrictions, students were offered alternative programmes to add to their understanding of the working world. This included virtual work experience and employment-led project work.
The document below will support students in thinking about their futures and thus help inspire areas to sample for their work experience:

There is a Careers Service office situated within the LRC, where students can access paper and computer-based information and resources. We have specific Careers resources and IAG computer-based packages for example Fast Tomato and Unifrog. Learners are introduced to these via PSHE lessons and can then use them as and when they wish in school or at home.
NEETS Record [Not in Education Employment or Training]
We have an excellent track record of ensuring that our pupils do not end up NEET at 16.
The College tracks leavers to ensure that they are engaging with their planned pathway post-16.
Careers Programme
Our CIASG delivery model is one that is embedded in our pastoral and PSHE and RSE curriculum. It has been revised to cover the Gatsby Benchmarks and is regularly updated to incorporate new developments.
Opportunities for Provider Access
Several events are integrated into the school careers programme which can offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents. Access to students and/or parents will be granted on the understanding that information and guidance offered by providers is related to technical courses and apprenticeship opportunities. Providers will be expected to meet the school’s safeguarding requirements.
Our Provider Access Policy Statement can be found below along with details of how employers can get involved in our Careers Programme:
Premises and facilities
Access to appropriate rooms and facilities will be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit.
Literature regarding events
Providers are welcome to email, provide relevant brochures and other printed material specifically related to technical courses and apprenticeships.
CV Writing
How to write a great CV - please follow the web link and guidance documents below:
Contact details:
Mrs M Pearson
Tel: (01482) 851136
Careers Advisor
St Mary's College
Cranbrook Avenue
Upcoming events and opportunities
Apprenticeship Opportunities
- new opportunities will be posted here when available
Applications for the HETA Engineering Apprenticeship Programme
For details of the next recruitment Open Event go to :
Students can apply via our website ( or via LogOnMoveOn, Lincs2, Lincs4U.
UniTasterDays - Online university guidance resources
Labour Market Information:
Uni Frog 11-18 programme
Useful Websites
Below is a sample list of websites where you will find useful information.
Careers Information:
- Your child's career journey : A Parent Guide (2020)
- - Unifrog
- -Fast Tomato
- BBC Bitesize Careers
Year 8 options:
- (interactive computer programme to generate and explore career ideas).
- (vast variety of career related videos ).
- (good resource for option choices ).
Post 16
- Post-16 Education: A Guide For Parents
- http://www.mycareerspringboard...
Working / Studying Abroad.
- ( USA)
- (Europe).
- (Australia and New Zealand).
- (Asia ).
Year 11-13 Apprenticeship Links.
- (apprenticeship for construction
- (construction
- (apprenticeship electrical/plumbing)
- ( engineering )
- (engineering / technical /business )
- UCAS Guide to Apprenticeships
(Remember to always use your school email in communications & do not share your mobile number unless necessary)
- (Volunteering and jobs)
- ( Volunteering made easy).
- (Volunteering abroad).
- ( local opportunities ).
Specific Occupations.
- (glass/furniture/mineral processing/printing opportunities)
- (water/gas/electricity opportunities)
- (motor vehicle apprenticeships
- (childcare; warehouse; H≻ business administration)
- (heating and ventilation)
- (Fire and rescue)
Job Vacancies
- (college/university vacancies)
- (education vacancies)
- (job vacancies)
- (job vacancies)
- (job vacancies)
- ( vacancies /internships ).
University information
- (university courses/Stamford test)
- (graduate destinations/jobs information/what jobs would suit me; options with subjects/graduate employers)
- (personal statements, alternative prospectuses).
- Advice on how to prepare for virtual college & training provider interviews
- ( vacancies and internships ).
Student Finance
- (has a good section on student funding and finance ).