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Transition 2024

Moving from primary to secondary school is an exciting and significant event in the life of your child.

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Head of Transition: Miss E Jaques
Transition Mentor: Mrs S Dale

Inevitably, most children have some worries about starting secondary school - some of these are social worries and some are to do with the organisational demands that they know will be placed upon them. However, most of the worries children have about starting secondary school diminish quickly in the first half term as students get used to the new routines and expectations.

Contact Us

Tel: 01482 851136


St Mary’s College, Cranbrook Avenue, Hull, HU6 7TN

What happens in September?

Further guidance will be sent home in due course regarding the finalised arrangements for September.

This information will include your child's tutor group and form room - your child will need to know which tutor group they are in when they join us in September so that they can be directed to the appropriate room.

On the first day in Year 7, your child needs to come to the Year 7 area where their Tutors will meet them and take them to their form rooms - there will be staff on each entrance to support with directing students appropriately as parents/carers cannot access the site for safeguarding reasons.

Be assured there will be significant support for Year 7 students on that first morning and beyond to ensure they settle in quickly and confidently.

Pastoral Care

At St Mary's College we pride ourselves on providing a high level of pastoral care for every child.

Your child will have a Personal Tutor who will support them pastorally as well as a Year Team including their Head of Year, Assistant Head of Year and two Learning Mentors.

All of our teachers are Personal Tutors and therefore our pastoral care is everyone's responsibility. All staff at St Mary's College take this responsibility very seriously and we will work collectively to provide appropriate pastoral support for your child inside and outside of lessons.


Child Protection and safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. All of our staff receive regular training and information to keep all children at SMC safe.

It is our duty to share any concerns about a child in need of protection with other agencies and in particular the police, health, and children’s social care.

Schools are not able to investigate concerns but have a legal duty to refer them. In most instances, the school will be able to inform the parents/carer of the need to make a referral. The school follows legislation that aims to act in the interests of the child.

We all know that children thrive better and are able to reach their full potential when school and families work closely together. Everyone at St Mary’s College is totally committed to this and we look forward to our continuing close partnership with you in the future.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Mr A Turner: Vice Principal

Safeguarding Team includes:
Miss R Flanagan: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Amy Wiles: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs S Appleyard: Safeguarding Officer
Mrs N Gibbon: Safeguarding Officer
Miss K Leathley: Safeguarding Officer

Our Designated Safeguarding Director:
Mr James Sargeant


    Information about school uniform requirements and appearance expectations can be found on the school website, click here.
    Please also take time to familiarise yourselves with the documents below:


    Eligibility for Free Transport

    All children eligible for free transport will receive their bus pass from the school in the first few weeks of the new academic year. They can travel on the bus during this time without a pass. Once they receive their pass, they must show it to the driver each time they board the bus.

    For any queries relating to eligibility please contact the relevant council.

    Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

    At St Mary’s College, we pride ourselves on the care and support we give to our children with additional needs.

    Our provision is based on a strong vision that St Mary’s College is a place where everyone is treated with dignity, with respect and is of equal worth. We strive to develop a highly effective learning community for SEND students and believe that ALL staff have a responsibility to meet the needs of all SEND pupils.

    Our key purpose is the construction, delivery and constant improvement of quality learning experiences appropriate to the needs of all our SEND students.

    In order to achieve our vision, we aim to create a happy and secure learning environment where ALL SEND students’ needs are met and where achievement and success are recognised and praised.

    We are extremely fortunate to have a large, experienced team of Teaching Assistants who go ‘above and beyond’ for the children they support and ensure they are given every opportunity to access a broad and balanced curriculum.

    For our most vulnerable SEND students, we are able to offer a bespoke learning pathway. The focus and rationale is to develop and establish fundamental literacy, life, and social skills in a smaller environment. Our students with SEND gain confidence and independence in their learning and themselves and become successful young people in our community and beyond.

    Medical Care & Support

    St Mary’s College trained first aiders will administer first aid safely and professionally, giving positive care all in line with their training with Health and Safety Training Services.
    Pulse oximeters, blood pressure monitors and temperature probes will assist the Health Care Assistants in making judgments and ensuring the best outcomes for the injured person.

    The Health Care Assistants at St Mary’s follow this statement :

    “All casualties should be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect. They all belong to someone and it could be someone who belongs to you.”


    Parentpay is a quick, secure and easy to use cashless system which enables parents and carers to pay online for things like school meals, music tuition, school educational visits and other necessary resources. It eliminates the need to write cheques and send cash into school with students.

    If you have more than one child at St Mary's College, you can merge their accounts to manage payments and expenditure all in one place.

    Music Tuition

    Music is a key part of life at St Mary’s College and there are many extra-curricular music opportunities that will be available and other ways your child can get involved in music-making during their time at St Mary’s College.

    Instrumental Tuition Letter Year 7 2024

        Extra-curricular activities

        Extra Curricular activities provide further opportunities for students to develop personal qualities such as teamwork, leadership and communication skills that have a positive impact on attainment and achievement.

        Clubs may involve choirs, orchestras, school plays and productions, sports teams and keep fit, MFL film club, debating, public speaking and writing competitions

        Video tours of St Mary's College

        Health & Well-being information

        There is a lot information which will help you look after your well-being. The links below are a starting point and are useful to explore:

        If you are interested in a physical resource to help keep you mindful, the ‘Five minutes in the morning’ journal is a must have !