Student benefits from Ros Norton Bequest
28th January 2019
St Mary’s fostered in Ros a lifelong love of Art, Drama and Music and nurtured Catholic values of deep respect for the dignity of every human being, irrespective of race, gender and sexuality, and a committed care for people who are less fortunate.
In her professional life Ros was dedicated to the wellbeing of young people. She worked as a Youth and Community worker in London and went on to train Youth Workers and to teach Participatory Action Research at Goldsmiths University. In these roles she benefitted many and transformed the lives of some.
She set up Refugee Youth in 2002 to combat alienation and despair amongst young refugees by promoting opportunities for their development. Young people work together to create an environment of friendship and belonging in which they inspire each other and gain strength and power through creative activities and residential experiences. Ros moved in 2010 to the Yorkshire Moors where the National Trust gave her the use of Bransdale Mill to continue the project for young people from Leeds, Hull and Middlesbrough. In 2017 Ros sold her London flat and used the proceeds to purchase the Braich Goch Inn in Corris in mid Wales to set up a similar project there. Sadly, Ros died in June of 2018 but the team she assembled are continuing her work and the project will be her lasting legacy.
It was her wish that her violin, which Ros had cherished and played since her days at St Mary’s, should benefit a young person who would gain inspiration and confidence from having a good quality instrument. Ros would be delighted that in Daniela’s hands her violin will sing on, giving pleasure and satisfaction to Daniela and to those who hear her play.