Train to Teach Information Events
24th November 2020
Are you interested in teaching? Are you looking for a career change?
St Mary’s College is holding further online Train to Teach Information Events so you can find out more about our primary and secondary training programmes for 2021-22.
- Monday 30th November 11.30-12.30
- Monday 14th December 11.30-12.30
St Mary’s College works in partnership with Hull SCITT, the University of Hull, and local primary and secondary schools in Hull, and has been providing teacher training of the highest quality for many years.
St Mary’s College has teacher training places for September 2021 - July 2022 in:
- Primary (Early Years, 3-7)
- Primary (5-11)
- Secondary subjects: Art & Design, Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Design & Technology, English, Geography, History, Mathematics, Modern Foreign Languages (French / Spanish), Music, Music + specialist instrumental tuition, Physics, Physical Education and Religious Education
Details of government funding and financial incentives to support teacher training can be found here:
You can get the access link for an information event or find out more details about our programmes by
or phoning 01482 808807 (office hours).
Further details are also available on our website: