Welcome new Year 7
6th September 2020
We are really looking forward to welcoming our new Year 7 students on Wednesday 9th September at 8:45am.
Thank you in advance for your support with the following:
- Please do NOT come onto the school site on Wednesday morning - this would breach both safeguarding and Covid-19 measures- there will be staff on every entrance to the site to help direct Year 7 students appropriately.
- Your child should arrive at St Mary's College wearing a face mask (unless exempt) and must continue to wear their mask until tutors instruct children to remove them once they are in their form room.
- Please ensure your child knows which TUTOR GROUP they are in.
- Please ensure your child's parentpay account is activated and sufficient funds are on the account - hot and cold food can be purchased from school each day. Alternatively, your child can bring a packed lunch.
- Please ensure your child knows how they are getting home and their bus number if using a school bus.
- Please do not enter the school reception without an appointment - if you have a query please email or telephone the school.
- Please contact the school if there are any uniform issues so that we can support your child appropriately in this regard.
- Your child must bring their equipment (pencil case) and Transition homework booklet on Wednesday 9th September.
- Please send your child to school with a pair of headphones on Wednesday 9th, Thursday 10th and Friday 11th September to assist with some essential English assessments that will take place this week.
- Please read our recent letters and communications from school on the website at: https://www.smchull.org/secondary-school/parents/letters
- Follow our school social media channels:
Many thanks,
The Year 7 Team