Sixth Form Careers and Progression Event
21st September 2022
We appreciate that for many students, choosing which path to follow once their time in the Sixth Form concludes, is a difficult step to navigate. Whilst a few have a clear idea of the path they want to follow, many will have conflicting ideas and others will understandably lack a clear direction.
Our plan in the Sixth Form is to be always on hand to guide our students with advice and point them in the direction of various opportunities.
To help with formulating or consolidating ideas, we have arranged for a careers event to take place in the SM6 building on Monday morning. A range of stallholders has been picked that will hopefully cover the majority of students interests. This is scheduled to be the first of a number of similar events this academic year.
I’ve placed a document below showing all of the companies that will be present for the careers event on Monday 26th September. I’ve also shown some of the career paths that can be followed with each company, mainly for the guidance of our Year 13 students. There is a link on the page of each company that will take you to the careers/apprenticeships/job vacancy page of their corresponding website. Hopefully you can look through the attached document and discuss at home questions to be asked and companies to visit.
All of the stallholders will be very enthusiastic to share their advice regarding career options and will be excellently placed to discuss which routes will be available. The vast majority of our students choose to study at university but for many, an apprenticeship route may be more suitable.
If any Year 13s have already decided on a university degree choice, the event will be useful for seeing what employment options may be available once their degree is completed. It will also be equally valuable for our Year 12s, in that it will enable them to link their current subject path to Post-18 career or degree choices.
Once the event has been run, I am available to at all times in my office in the SM6 building to discuss careers with any student in the Sixth Form.
We’re looking forward to Monday 26th. It’ll be a great opportunity for all and will hopefully help a lot of students with their decision making.
All the best,
Justin Charlton
Director of Recruitment, Careers and Progression.