Rag Bag collection bin
25th July 2022
In front of the Academy sports building in the car park you will see this new green recycling bin. We are working with Rag Bag to help recycle textiles and clothing. You are able to recycle the following items here:• Wearable Clothing• Paired Shoes• Handbags• Belts. We cannot accept the following items:• Workwear• Uniforms (including School Uniforms) - please send these to Re:Uniform !• Wet/Soiled Clothes• Curtains• Towels• Duvets or Duvet Covers• Pillows or Pillow Cases• Blankets• Table Cloths• Linens• Cushions• Carpets• Suitcases• Books• Bric a Brac• Clothes Hangers• Electricals