Exams Success 2023
24th August 2023
Maria Stead, Head of School at St Mary’s College is understandably delighted with this year's exam results.
It has been a privilege to see how our Year 13s have grown both emotionally and academically in the last 2 years. For a year group who were not afforded the opportunity to sit their GCSEs, and therefore had not at any external assessments since Key Stage 2, they have been amazing. Their outstanding results are a testament to their resilience and relentless hard work. At SM6, we are all extremely proud of them all.
Of course, such outcomes would never be possible without the dedication and commitment of our staff. I want to thank each and every one of them, they have been the difference for so many of our students. It is truly a day to celebrate.
Year 11 students at St Mary’s College have also achieved amazing outcomes. 34% of all number grades awarded were grades 7-9 which is a phenomenal achievement! For a year group who missed a significant tranche of Key Stage 3, they have proved themselves highly resilient, focused and committed. All the staff at SMC are very proud of them.
We look forward to welcoming back into SM6 those who are going on to study Level 3 courses as well as those who will be joining us anew from other schools.
Well done SMC Year 11 Class of 2023!
GCSE Exam highlights:
- 74% of students gained a grade 4 or above in English and Mathematics
- 58% of students gained a grade 5 or above in English and Mathematics
- 34% of students gained a grade 9-7
- Attainment 8 score 55.71
The above statistics are all higher than in 2019 when students last sat formal GCSE examinations.
These are truly times to celebrate.